Sustainability Pressure: Creditors and Customers Show No Quarter
Firstly, firms certainly report feeling pressure to make their supply chains more sustainable —and that pressure appears to be growing over time from each of the 10 potential sources that we measure. Notably, none of the pressure sources show meaningful decline over time. That is, across 10 different possible types of pressure, each one appears to have increased over four years of observation. In 2023, pressures appear to have plateaued at the 2022 level, but not fallen (see Figure 3).
Figure 3 also shows that, far and away, investors are the fastest growing source of pressure, with a 25% increase in average respondent score over the period of observation. *
Rachel Schwalbach, Vice President for Environmental, Social, and Governance, C.H. Robinson
Figure 3: Level of pressure from top 2023 sources year over year
* Because Likert scales are ordinal measurements, using mean as a measure of central tendency is a methodologically controversial choice. We present means here only to draw attention to largest changes observed over time. Readers are urged not to read too much into small changes in mean presented here. For more, see Spencer E. Harpe (2015), “How to Analyze Likert and Other Rating Scale Data,” Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, vol. 7, no. 6, pp. 836–850; and Susan Jamieson (2004), “Likert Scales: How to (Ab)Use Them?” Medical Education, vol. 38, no. 12, pp. 1217–1218.